I saw this coming

My former job just announced they are closing their Owensboro location. After a conversation with a manager I knew they would closed in 10 years. But they didn't even make to five year. I guess covid helped spurred it on faster. 

They opened their doors in 2017. I was one of their first hires. When I started, the building wasn't even finished yet. They had to be train everyone at a nearby college. I truly thought myself lucky by getting that job, and felt very proud to be working for them. They made it out like it was this great and wonderful job. They made it out like this was the best thing to happen to Owensboro and we where on the ground floor of it. At the time believed every bit of it. 

One thing I noticed, was that a lot of managers were people from others areas, that had closed down.  I did finally get to ask one of the managers about why theirs closed.  She said, it was because they couldn't find people to work anymore. As they don't like to rehire, and they have a heavy turnover, so  after awhile they end of use up the workforce. I was like oh shit, that will happen here. It didn't take long to realize that was a pattern. But I figured if I did my job I could just move with them. Paul would like it. He loves moving. (yes he is weird) 

When you start people make it out like it is the best place to work for. They tell you all these wonderful things. They really get you to believe that its the best job available. They tell you this is the best thing to happen to you, your family and even your town. They even get you to tell others and to get your friends jobs. It's almost as if you are being reprogrammed for a cult. I admit it. I fell for it, and fell hard. I posted how great of a job it was. I tried to get others to join. I was so proud of my job.

It didn't take long for me to realize, everything was for show. Everything promised was either a lie, or an exaggeration. Another thing it was very much a clique and very easy to become an outcast. If you questioned anything, or expressed anything but joy, you became an outcast. Next thing you were being ignored, or out right attacked by the alorica zombies. The worst thing of all was not getting the help I asked for. I was constantly asking my manager for feedback and help. She would promise, then put it off. When I said something to her manager, he told me she wouldn't do that, and made me feel I was in the wrong.

Thankfully I had a second job I was able to go full time with. So I was able to get back on my feet pretty quick. Emotionally I was very torn up over it. But thankfully my friends and family were sympathetic and understanding. Over time I got over it. I am now working a better job, and making more money. My job now is very similar. But, they never gave me empty promises, they did training that truly helped me and they have been here for years. So I feel a bit more secure about it. I am very grateful for this job. 

I just hope those left at Alorica, can find something better real soon. 


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